Free Pattern Activities for November- Print and Digital

free pattern activities

Fun and Free Pattern Activities- Print and Digital!

I LOVE teaching patterns. There are so many unique and exciting ways to teach them! Well friends, I have a few more free pattern activities to add to your collection! These pattern activities are print and digital- use them in school or during distance learning! 

I have some printable pattern cards for you- they are great for practicing extending the pattern! Last year, my students completed this on butcher paper as shown above. I drew turkeys and they picked a card, and started creating the pattern!

This year looks a little different, however. I am teaching virtually, but fortunately my school allows the kindergarten teachers to send home packets filled with printable activities. I am going to send home my free pattern activities in their packets for November! I also included some templates in the freebie, they look like this:

Free Pattern Activity

I’m going to send home a recording sheet and display the cards, virtually! If you can’t send home packets or want to try the digital activity, I have you covered, too!

Patterns Gone Digital

This pattern activity requires “coloring” so I added it to seesaw and google slides- both for free! You can assign these activities to your students and they will love creating patterns- virtually. If you plan to use this with google slides, I do recommend using the pear deck extension- it allows for coloring! Pear deck has been so much fun, and the kids love it! You just need to add the extension to your google slides. Find out more information about pear deck HERE.

Grab your free pattern activity below!

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