
Morning Meeting Games for Kindergarten

Hello friends!

As we go back to school, I wanted to share some of my favorite morning meeting games for kindergarten. These morning meeting games build a sense of community that is so important in kindergarten! I remember my first year teaching Kindergarten, my principal was very strict and wanted us to jump into reading instruction using this fancy reading program she had purchased. She wanted us to jump right in on the FIRST day and SKIP MORNING MEETING! I was a newbie fresh meat teacher, so I did everything exactly as she said. There I was, the first day of school, reading from a reading program while my students were bouncing off the walls. My students wanted to get to know their friends and their teachers and get acquainted with school, not listen to a reading program on the first day!

Needless to say, I have honed my skills since then, and now I ALWAYS start the day with morning meeting. My favorite part is the morning meeting games and activities, and I wanted to share some quick, easy, and fun games you can use for morning meeting in kindergarten, prek, and first grade.


The Blanket Game

The Blanket Game

This is one of my favorite morning meeting games! Have your kiddos sit on the edge of your carpet. Choose one kid to be the “guesser”- that student leaves the circle and closes their eyes (I usually have them face the wall). While their eyes are closed, the class counts backwards from 10 or 20 while you pick one student to hide under the blanket (or shower curtain or box). Then, the “guesser” comes back to the circle and tries to guess who is under the blanket! It is great because they can ask their friends questions as hints (ex: is it a boy? what letter does their name start with?, etc.)


Beginning Sound Beach Ball

Beginning Sound Beach Ball

This is a fun and low prep morning meeting game- all you need is a beach ball and a sharpie! Write the letters on the beach ball, and students can take turns throwing the ball around! I usually have them sit or stand in a circle and call out a friend’s name before they throw the ball. When their friend catches the ball, they will say the letter that is closest to their thumb! You can have them say the letter, beginning sound, something that the letter starts with, or a mix of all! You could also write CVC or sight words on a ball for later in the year.

Sofia Says!

Sofia Says

Sofia says is just like Simon says, but it’s time for Simon to take a break! You could play this game the traditional way- or turn it into a math game! I have created a Sofia Says math game where students work on active listening, counting to 10, patterns, counting backwards, shapes, number ID, and more! It’s great to play for morning meeting because it gets them up and moving. You can check it out here!

This or That Yoga and Free Questions Game

Both of these games are similar! Students do yoga while answering questions about themselves! It’s great for morning meeting, indoor recess, or a brain break! With this or that, there are 60 questions and students get to choose between two answers. It can be used all year! The FREE questions game has 9 yes or no questions- great for the first week or two of school! Click the images below to check out each game:

These games and much more are included in my morning meeting games and activities bundle!

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